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Videos & Testimonials

Customer Spotlight

Bassam Alzammar

Water/Wastewater Operations Manager

Colton, CA

“I’ve been with the city of Colton for just over and year and a half, and prior to my coming onboard we had a lot of water quality issues—brown water and things of that nature. And the old solution was just don’t flush anything. ‘If you don’t flush the pipes, you’re not stirring anything up in the water and then it’s not a problem.’ Obviously, that’s not a solution. So, I came onboard and one of the first things I said was ‘What do you mean you don’t flush water? Get out there and start flushing.’ Well, as soon as we did our call volume skyrocketed, nothing but brown water complaints left and right.”


“With the product from No-Des, it’s a more efficient process of cleaning the sediment in the pipeline. With their product I’m going to guarantee that my waterlines are cleaned, versus the traditional method of flushing, where I’m hoping everything will work. With No-Des, the water is moving through the pipelines so fast, and we’re able to capture a lot more sediment that is sitting in these waterlines that your traditional flushing process may or may not catch.”


“We can’t tell our public to conserve water, and then open the hydrants for hours at a time to clean the water and just dumping it into the street. So right off the bat, with No-Des, we’re not flushing through a fire hydrant and pumping water into the street. No-Des not only provides pipe flushing, but the conservation is incredible. And that helps us solve regulatory issues as well. As a municipality, we have to conserve water, so if I can clean the pipelines without dumping 10,000 gallons of water into the street, that’s a win.”


“Using No-Des allows us to be more efficient, get a better result in terms of how clean the waterlines are, and conserve water while we’re doing it. It’s hard to compare the No-Des results to what we were doing previously, because they’re pretty much incomparable.”


NO-DES, Inc. provides cutting-edge water management and treatment solutions to municipalities around the country. To learn more, contact a team member today.

Water Main Cleaning Techniques Webinar

Water Main Cleaning Techniques Webinar
Water Main Cleaning Techniques Webinar

Water Main Cleaning Techniques Webinar

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NO-DES at ACE filmed by AWWA

NO-DES at ACE filmed by AWWA

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Un Rolling the 5 Hose

Un Rolling the 5 Hose

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Rolling 5 Hose

Rolling 5 Hose

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Testimonial Documents

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